Platte 2/2/15

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Re: Platte 2/2/15

Nice shots.  Internet keyboard commando is larry
Some cranky skiers, not sure more snow will help
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

My God I had no idea a "Powder Daize" could generate such heated debate!  Personally I think it's great any day Platty is open, and on a Tues after a nice dump?  Even better!  Ok so it wasn't the typical "powder daize" and yes it was tracked out, but I didn't hear anyone complain.  According to a patroller I spoke to yesterday the group (of about 300) books the day after super bowl every year, and just lucked out.  So they certainly did not "choose" the private group over the public, it was merely coincidental.  I knew was I was getting into, watched the cams the day before, etc etc but made the call and headed up anyway, taking my chances.  It was slightly disappointing to see how tracked up it truly was but you know what?  Oh well...I skied the hell out of it and had an absolute blast.   Any day at Platty is a good one IMO, and with blue bird skies and only a handful of skiers on the hill?  I'll take it...
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

In reply to this post by Thacheronix
Nice shots Scott.  My brother was there, loved it, had a great time.  He wasn't expecting a full on Powder Daize, but opted for great conditions closer to home, which is what he got.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

Great shots! Gotta get me a better camera  *sigh*
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

There is so much snow in the catskills right now if you cant find an untracked line, you're not looking! Best conditions in a couple years. Get out and ski!
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

Bosco DaSkia
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In reply to this post by PowderAssassin
PowderAssassin wrote
It's common sense to groom before powder.
Here ya go dude.... 16 inches of fresh un-groomed powder on a pre-groomed base today.... Lots of folks got on it, what kept you away? The lack of orange fencing perhaps?

I can't wait to hear why this isn't up to your standards.
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

Hey, I didn't say that, don't misattribute POW as ME!

Plus, my whole farmers market analogy was a little off the mark in how it was red. I am not comparing Platty Monday with Magic monday, I am saying that if you can't find a great line( or apple) at platty after a huge snow you aren't looking.

I think me and JTG are not far apart ideologically. I did not think the day was misrepresented cause I saw that there were people there on the webcam. And, not only could I not get off work, Magic is too far for me to daytrip.

That's all, glad everyone that got out had fun.

P.S. Trolling Plattekill's fb page as someone is doing with pictures of Magic is really uncool and unnecessary. Hope it isn't anyone here.
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

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ml242 wrote
P.S. Trolling Plattekill's fb page as someone is doing with pictures of Magic is really uncool and unnecessary. Hope it isn't anyone here.
WORD!!! What  a shame for someone to feel the need to do that. Seriously, wtf is wrong with people.

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Re: Platte 2/2/15

Glade Runner
Banned User
What is wrong with people when you ask is it tracked out?  And they say conditions are great.  Then they flat out lie and say it is still snowing when it was clear on the radar the storm was long gone from them.  Nothing was wrong with anything they did other than not be clear and upfront when confronted and asked for honesty.  But, what can you expect?  Everyone wants to lie to get you there.  But, their shadiness pretty much made what they didn't want us to know evident.  I'm sure it was still great.  I'm sure I could have found fresh lines in the woods all day.  But, why settle for leftovers when Magic had the goods?  I must be in the small minority based on the tiny crowd they had at Magic.  Apparently everyone likes tracked out pow and groomers.  What do I know?  And that pic in the woods of a fresh line was lame.  Sorry but, you could tell that was only untracked because it was flat.  The tracks looked like someone walked through it on skis.  Definitely did not blast through it with any speed carving up powder, that is for sure.
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

How many times you going to ramble the same crap? We get it. Your going PowAss now
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

Glade Runner
Banned User
So you call the truth crap?
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

In reply to this post by skimore
skimore wrote
 Your going PowAss now
choked on my beer
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

freeheeln wrote
skimore wrote
 Your going PowAss now
choked on my beer
Lucky bastard! I'm still at work and can't wait for a beer.

that was damn funny tho
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

In reply to this post by ml242
ml242 wrote
I think me and JTG are not far apart ideologically.
No, not at all.  If someone was  off and free to go skiing, Platty yesterday was as good or better an option than many, so why not get out and enjoy it!  You are absolutely right.  Many people did, my brother included, and it was great.  

Some people weren't off, like myself.  I had to get myself off
and doing so yesterday meant one less day in the future I could ski, so I was looking for more than great, I was looking for sublime.  For me it became about the comparison, and I don't think anyone will argue that Magic wasn't better yesterday.

Platty was in a tough position yesterday, one which they probably could have handled differently.  They have the good fortune and rep to be one of the only places you can get day after the storm powder turns with their very cool Powder Daize policy.  They also had an annual party booked the day of the storm.  They honored both.  Unfortunately it meant that yesterday's Powder Daize wasn't up to typical Powder Daize standards, the ones we spoiled sobs have come to expect.  Given the passion of the crowd it attracts perhaps they should have made mention of the party, that's all I've been saying about that.

Not cool, IMHO, to be posting pics of Magic on Platty's site, but at least Laz should take heart in knowing people are that dedicated to Powder Daize so as to be upset!

We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

JTG4eva! wrote
  I had to get myself off

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Re: Platte 2/2/15

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
freeheeln wrote
skimore wrote
 Your going PowAss now
choked on my beer
Lucky bastard! I'm still at work and can't wait for a beer.

that was damn funny tho
beer after a ski day taste better than a beer after a work day
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

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In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
Platty was in a tough position yesterday, one which they probably could have handled differently.  They have the good fortune and rep to be one of the only places you can get day after the storm powder turns with their very cool Powder Daize policy.  They also had an annual party booked the day of the storm.  They honored both.  Unfortunately it meant that yesterday's Powder Daize wasn't up to typical Powder Daize standards, the ones we spoiled sobs have come to expect.  Given the passion of the crowd it attracts perhaps they should have made mention of the party, that's all I've been saying about that.
truth, well said
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

In reply to this post by JasonWx
Honesty is the best policy, Platty got caught trying to have their cake and eat it too. No one has rented out Hickory this week, I hope. Magic truly was magical Tuesday, well worth the extra expense and travel.Thanks for the intel keyboard commander!
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

In reply to this post by Glade Runner
Glade Runner wrote
Apparently everyone likes tracked out pow and groomers.
O r maybe they have jobs or something else they have to do
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Re: Platte 2/2/15

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A few things I’d like to say:

Plattekill had their webcams pointed right at the mountain. They never turn of their cams to hide the truth. They mentioned the party on Facebook and apparently mentioned it to people calling. If this is an attempt to hide the truth it is a poor attempt.

The coincidence of a twelve-inch weekday storm during a rent event is probably rare.  It’s quite possible the staff didn’t anticipate this issue. On Saturday night I asked Laz about opening on Tuesday and he said “I just don’t know yet.”  

PowderAssassin your idea of "screwing over their normal customers" is nuts. Do you know Plattekill's "normal customers?"  Plattekill probably banked more on Monday from the church group than they do from an entire season of pow hounds. And they'll be back next year, the day after the super bowl, for their 6th annual event.  

Pretend you are Laz and a foot of snow is possible. What do you do, cancel the group? No way, that’s suicide.  Kill the opening on 2/3?   Open up on Tuesday and let people know what is happening?  That’s what they did, or tried to do.  It seems like many here knew the situation.  Should they send out an email saying don’t come?  Sorry if there wasn’t enough orange fencing around this for you.

Plattekill probably makes money 20-25 days a year and that has to pay for everything.  ALL the rest is window dressing. Fridays, Powderdaize, Mountain Biking all of it happens because you need to retain employees and you can't do that if you only offer 20 days a year of employment.

The idea that it’s not worth $45 to ski a foot new snow with tracks in it, is proof that Plattekill can’t build a business plan around powder hounds. Look I’m a hound too. I want to ski the best snow I can find. But if places like Hickory and Plattekill put our priorities over families and other reliable revenue sources, they are going nelsap. Then Powderdaize are gone for good.

The real issue here is one of branding.  If you look on the Plattekill website it defines Powderdaize as a weekday opening after 12+ inches of snow.  I don't see a guarantee of untracked.  The reality is that the Powderdaize hardcore have come to assume that the word means untracked. They think that because it always is untracked, or as we learned, almost always.

The image of the snowboarder riding some lighty tracked stuff is the standard Powderdaize image. Nobody really knows photoshop, they changed the date and ran with it.  If there is any legitimate criticism of Plattekill in my mind it is that they need to understand that the official definition of a Powderdaize doesn’t match up precisely with the organic perception in the market place.

You can interpret all this as a big conspiracy, but I don't see it.  In my opinion if you don't come back to Plattekill because of this it will be your loss and our loss.

Last thing: posting pictures of Magic on Plattekill's Facebook page rises to a level of douche-nozzle dick-waving that I can't comprehend.

Look I get why some of you are pissed. But I have a different view. I make no secret of the fact that I'm a full-on Plattekill supporter and that isn't changing.  Feel free to dismiss my opinion if you must.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp