Ehh, I'm going to call Bullshit on this......
And this line sums up why. Your blind loyalty to this place is preventing you from seeing why many people feel as a though a type of bait and switch has been perpetrated. The operating days of Plattekill are well established. When a Powder Daize is declared on a Tuesday, it would be a natural assumption that the runs would have seen minimal traffic before opening on that said Tuesday. I do not habitually look at web cams of supposedly closed ski areas to make sure there is no unannounced private party getting the goods before a supposed Powder Daize. The whole point of Powder Daize is that they were opening on that day specifically because the snow total on that particular day was worth the trouble of opening. I think that most folks would just take them at their word for it. It seems to me that these most of these hurt feeling could have been avoided by simply letting people know that, that particular Tuesday was not going to be the first day of skiing scheduled for that week. The snow was unexpected, the group party after all, was not When it come to snow totals or expected conditions, anything that leaves the customer feeling deceived can't possibly be good for the bottom line. Once bit twice shy as the saying goes. |
Banned User
In reply to this post by Thacheronix
More excuses. Get your priorities straight. |
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In reply to this post by Harvey
I'm glad you finally came in to give your point of view Harvey. However, did you not read what was posted? Who argued that $45 was a bad price? The price for untouched powder really could be $100. The price doesn't matter one bit. And this is a lesson to Plattekill. No one said they wouldn't go back. But, with the level of deceit, I'll be careful to pick a powder day there to make sure it is untracked. Not that they advertise untracked but, because I seek untracked. As for posting on their Facebook, that is what social media is for. Asking direct questions on their facebook that were not answered. Then the faithful attack saying goto Belleayre and everyone keeps going back to the price. Or they say "I don't get what the big deal about first tracks is" or "good luck finding better conditions". Posting pictures of powder in flat areas to be deceiving. And clearly lying that it was still snowing after 4pm when the radar had passed long ago with nothing headed their way. If first tracks wasn't a big deal these mountains wouldn't be profiting off it by selling first tracks passes before the mountains officially open. And posting pictures of the goods on their site was just to show those douche nozzle whatevers what was up. I see it is hard to have a different point of view. You get a free season pass there to promote them right? Blindly supporting everything they do is some dick waving douche nozzle sell out stuff if I ever seen it. Apparently most of the people here either don't want fresh untracked powder or they aren't willing to make it their priority. I'm seeing more and more why people turn to tele and head away from the mountains with lifts. Untracked lines are something special. Thanks to the few here who alerted me. If I took off work to ride that tracked up crap I would have been pissed, especially knowing I could have taken off work to ride untouched pow all day. It's about choices and luckily there was a better choice. Basically all mountains are dead on a Monday. So if Plattekill had 300 people there it was probably just about as tracked up as anywhere else. Harv, you said they alerted us to the fact people were there. Funny, it wasnt mentioned on their ski report. You had to dig deeper, look at cams scroll the facebook, be on forums to get that info. Most people check the report for the most accurate info. Unfortunately the snow report didn't have that accurate information. |
The truth always lies in the middle, don't it?! In this case, somewhere between Harvey and GR, IMHO.
No, I don't think Platty intended to deceive anyone. Keep in mind their operation. Handful of employees, only a few of which probably get involved in the tech side of things, someone perhaps picking up a phone without any kind of organized info to share about parties and Powder Daize. Laz say yes, someone hits a few keystrokes, some amount of chaos might ensue, and the Daize is on. So, no, GR isn't going to get a corporate PR approved statement when he calls for the scoop on Monday. We are talking ski world mom and pop here, and I don't think we want it any other way. We have to appreciate all of that, and that they even have Powder Daize at all, because they probably do it for their following, not to make money. But as to that following, could they have done a better job to put a blurb on their website to inform the faithful that the circumstances for this particular Powder Daize were a little different from what people usually find, because of the party? Perhaps they should have tried. The webcam doesn't tell the story, and not everyone does Facebook. So chalk it up to valuable lessons learned on both sides. Better communication and always checking webcams. Leave it at that and look forward to the next Powder Daize!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
I can't believe the hoopla here. (And I pay for every dime I spend at Platty). Any other mountain would have been more tracked up at the end of a Powder day than Platty even after the Church group. All that I know is I will be there tomorrow and there is no doubt in my mind that I will still be finding untracked all over the mountain.
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In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
I still support Plattekill and I can't wait for the next real powder day there.
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In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
![]() One last comment here. I posted a pic for fun to show some of the woods we worked on this fall. I'm not sure how I was deceiving anyone about how steep it was. Here's a pic from the same spot. |
Banned User
Looks better! Im a little jealous I havent been able to ski our new glade yet.
In reply to this post by Marcski
This IS an interweb discussion board......and we all know interweb discussion boards would be nothing without some measure of unnecessary hoopla!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by scottski63
My main man, SR. Always good to see him in pics!! |
I violated my own rule, posting 500 words when 25 would do. I should have left it at "I don't see a conspiracy." From what I see that's the real point of disagreement. I see a failure to communicate. You want a super smooth marketing department go to Stratton.
I made it clear that Laz, Danielle, Susan, George, Macker and Catskill Freeheel are my friends. Somebody called them liars. I disagree and defended them. I had the pleasure of meeting Spongeworthy a few weeks ago. He told me I was the "voice of reason." It take that as a compliment. But I got opinions like everyone else. When you look at me, if you don't see a devoted Plattekill loyalist, you're blind. No apologies.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
I think they have another powder. You guys are on yesterdays rants.
Banned User
In reply to this post by Harvey
I don't think it was a conspiracy and they don't need a marketing department either. I feel like you are just defending them cause you are bought and paid for. Fact is questions were asked such as "Was the double chair running?", "How many people were in the group on Monday?" Answers were not given. Instead fluff that didn't answer the questions like "Conditions are great out there!" They didn't fool me with that. Not answering the questions was practically admission that it was all tracked up.
But, we are used to that sort of thing from all the other resorts so we might as well just take it from Plattekill as well because they are the anti resort you want to love so much. Most of the comments were towards idiots on there who blindly defended them. Someone actually said I doubt a handfull of skiers tracked up the mountain. Is a handfull 300? What was bad though was the hype that it was still snowing at 4 pm when the radar showed it was past them and not coming back. That was an outright lie unless someone can confirm a fresh layer of snow on top of it. But, everything else they said was true. Conditions were great. We knew that. I want to be loyal to Plattekill but, I'm still going to go to where the conditions are epic every single time regardless. Oh the glorious untracked powder! |
In reply to this post by Harvey
Good for you, Harv.......fuck these whiny ass bitches!!! I've never seen anything like it, EVER. |
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This is great, so much more fun than, "Do you prefer natural, or man made" threads. Color me a whiny ass bitch. Sorry Camp, you are wrong.
Since we've digressed to name calling, I think all you homers need to get your homer heads out of your homer asses and look at the facts. |
In reply to this post by Glade Runner
1. You could see the double running on the web cam. 2. No ski area is going to tell you the day's attendance. It is hilarious that you think just because you (or anybody else) ask a question you are entitled to an answer. I have been at Plattekill multiple times when it is snowing and there is no snow showing over Plattekill on the three radar sites on my phone. Epic Every Single Time Regardless! Good luck with that..... |
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I guess you don't read my trip reports. |
This thread reminds of how lucky we are to be living in this country because man......these are some serious first world white people problems!
I can't imagine what it's like to be a tourist visiting a ski area like Jackson during a huge powder day. Spending all of that money to get and be there only to discover that without knowing how to work the mountain you don't stand a chance at getting fresh on the steeper terrain against the local sharks. My suggestion for some of the naysayers is go get set up with touring gear and quit depending on lifts for fresh turns. Clear a glade some where for you and your buddies or cut the brush at some near by closed ski area. Sure the amount of runs is less but if you yo-yo all day the workout and satisfaction is so much more. |
![]() This was fabulous this morning |