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Re: Coronavirus

thanks Harv
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Coronavirus

Yes Harv Thanks  and Done!

  My wife is a nurse in NJ and my daughter is a 4th year nursing student in Castleton who just got hired at the hospital in Rutland as part of her clinical training.  This is a huge problem  (nice meeting you in Blauvelt Jason)
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Re: Coronavirus

Doctors are reporting they now understand the behavior of the COVID 19 virus due to autopsies that they have carried out. This virus is characterized by obstructing respiratory pathways with thick mucus that solidifies and blocks the airways and lungs. So they have discovered that in order to apply a medicine you have to open and unblock these airways so that the treatment can be used to take effect however all of this takes a number of days. Their recommendations for what you can do to safeguard yourself are ...

1) Drink lots of hot liquids - coffees, soups, teas, warm water. In addition take a sip of warm water every 20 minutes bc this keeps your mouth moist and washes any of the virus that’s entered your mouth into your stomach where your gastric juices will neutralize it before it can get to the lungs.
2) Gargle with an antiseptic and warm water like vinegar or salt or lemon every day if possible
3) The virus attaches itself to hair and clothes. And detergent or soap kills it but you must take bath or shower when you get in from the street. Avoid sitting down in your home and go straight to the shower. If you cannot wash your clothes daily, hang them in sunlight which also helps to neutralize the virus
4) Wash metallic surfaces very carefully bc the virus can stay viable on these for up to 9 days. Take note and be vigilant about touching hand rails, door knobs, etc. and keep these clean in home home
5) Don’t smoke
6) Wash your hands every 20 minutes with any soap that foams and do this for 20 seconds
7) Eat fruits and vegetables. Try to elevate your zinc levelS
8)Animals do not spread the virus to people. Its a person to person transmission.
9)Try to avoid getting the common flu as this already weakens your system and try to avoid eating and drinking any cold things.
10) If you feel any discomfort in your throat or a sore throat coming on, attack it immediately using the above methods. The virus enters the system through the throat but will sit in the throat for 3-4 days before it passes into your lungs.

In addition ...

Experts suggest doing this simple verification every morning: Breathe in deeply and hold your breath for 10 seconds. If this can be done without coughing, without difficulty, this shows that there is no fibrosis in the lungs, indicating the absence of infection. It is recommended to do this control every morning to help detect infection.

Copy & paste by holding your finger down on the text till the COPY comes on it..then go to your feed to create post.. hold down like your starting to text and PASTE will come up.. click on should pop up...then hit your post in the right hand upper corner !
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Re: Coronavirus

This post was updated on .
Hopefully some more progress. Hopefully my link meets MatheMatt's standards.
I don't rip, I bomb.
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Re: Coronavirus

Cleon has been grooming at Mt Snow for over 40 years, passed from Covid yesterday:

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Coronavirus

Harve, checked his local fire department's Facebook page. He was a fireman too. God Bless Cleon Boyd.
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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by ScottySkis1
ScottySkis1 wrote
Doctors are reporting they now understand the behavior of the COVID 19 virus...
This post is full of bullshit:
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Re: Coronavirus

It came from a relatively of mine
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by Johnnyonthespot
Dude. That's horse wormer.

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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Is there a lot of questionable, even bad, info out there?  Yeah.  Even good info can get misinterpreted, messages get mixed up.  We all get that.

Telling us something is bullshit, and linking to Snopes (really, Snopes?) ain’t all that helpful.  Now is the time we need people to cut through the noise, provide useful info, not just add to the noise. (Snopes...really )

At least Scotty seems to be trying to provide useful info, even if the truth in some of it might have gotten mixed up along the way.

I think it was TJ, maybe it was someone else, who posted the link to the video from a senior doc from Columbia (I think, but it was a MAJOR medical center) in NYC which has been converted to a COVID hospital exclusively, and all he does is treat COVID patients, all day, every day (he’s a respiratory specialist).....and THAT guy is telling me to do a bunch of the things Scotty mentioned (although maybe he messaged it in a different way)....I’m not going to let MC and a Snopes link (uuuhhh...Snopes? ) stop me from doing them.

The only harm in people doing what Scotty suggested would be in thinking there’s any absolute safety if they do them.  There isn’t, but taking those actions along with other existing precautions isn’t going to hurt you.

Dismissing them out of hand because of....well, Snopes , rather than seeking out what truth exists in the message (because there is some)....that could hurt you.

We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Coronavirus

If this thing goes into May Tom better look the ef out!
Social distancing at it's finest.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
Is there a lot of questionable, even bad, info out there?  Yeah.  Even good info can get misinterpreted, messages get mixed up.  We all get that.

Telling us something is bullshit, and linking to Snopes (really, Snopes?) ain’t all that helpful.  Now is the time we need people to cut through the noise, provide useful info, not just add to the noise. (Snopes...really )

At least Scotty seems to be trying to provide useful info, even if the truth in some of it might have gotten mixed up along the way.

I think it was TJ, maybe it was someone else, who posted the link to the video from a senior doc from Columbia (I think, but it was a MAJOR medical center) in NYC which has been converted to a COVID hospital exclusively, and all he does is treat COVID patients, all day, every day (he’s a respiratory specialist).....and THAT guy is telling me to do a bunch of the things Scotty mentioned (although maybe he messaged it in a different way)....I’m not going to let MC and a Snopes link (uuuhhh...Snopes? ) stop me from doing them.

The only harm in people doing what Scotty suggested would be in thinking there’s any absolute safety if they do them.  There isn’t, but taking those actions along with other existing precautions isn’t going to hurt you.

Dismissing them out of hand because of....well, Snopes , rather than seeking out what truth exists in the message (because there is some)....that could hurt you.
Yes I just trying to help and sorry about misinformatuon
It came from really close relative of mine
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by wonderpony
wonderpony wrote
Dude. That's horse wormer.

Pick your poison carefully...
I don't rip, I bomb.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by wonderpony
This was my first post in this thread four weeks ago. Today, I drove over to Greek Peak, because they have a community grocery store that has TOILET PAPER! I figure that they are selling what they bought for the hotel and the lodge. But, I also figure that I am helping them out since they had to close a month early.

I am kinda kicking myself for not picking up some premixed margaritas, though...

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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by wonderpony
wonderpony wrote
Dude. That's horse wormer.

Does that stuff still come hypodermic style single serve applicators? I remember that being a giant hassle with some of the horses back in the day.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
I posted the vid ..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Coronavirus

Did anybodies company call them back to work? The terms are pretty simple to meet and payroll costs up to 100k income employees will be covered. You can also use it to pay mortgage and utilities. If owners work this right they will come out of the gates like gang busters when this if finally over.
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Re: Coronavirus

We are having trouble filing.  Our bank is confused.  I hope we don't miss out. The President said today that billions have already been loaned out.  I hope our bank can figure it out and we can apply before it is gone.  We can't call anyone back before we get those funds.

This program would be HUGE for us because our overhead is 75% salaries and a lot of the rest falls into the categories you mentioned.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by JasonWx
JasonWx wrote
I posted the vid ..
I was too lazy to find it again, but I knew it was one of you level headed guys!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
 linking to Snopes (really, Snopes?) ain’t all that helpful.  .
What is your problem with Snopes? It is a well known site to debunk internet bullshit.
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