Sorry I missed you GA, rest up!
Hickory was what you'd expect. Great family vibe, lots of excitement and nice thick new snow on top of a funky crust. Val called it dust on crust, except that the dust was a foot thick.
Poma 1 was awesome until it went down late morning. Honey Run, Lower Beatnik everything.
Sneaking over to schralp Honey Run
The entire mountain was ungroomed
and it was the right call.
I guess it's the Sugarbush effect. Great skiing does not require constant grooming.
Winfall required some careful picking your way through the blow off headwall down to the good goods below. I was looking at it saying no way when Don convinced me it was worth it.
Ridge Run got cutup by noon, but the snow was still totally sliceable. I lapped it until I thought I could ski no more and headed down. Still I ended up doing multiple laps on the tbar.
Great day I am whipped.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp