She's really on the fence about going. Her biggest fear would be bringing the virus back home to her 99yo Gram. If it wasn't for that she would already be gone. The other issue is she totally feels it's only a matter of time until shit hits the fan here so she would feel guilty leaving her team short here.
I don't know about housing, Broski. We have friends who live there, no clue how that would work. |
Does anyone know when the leaves start growing? I'm almost out of toilet paper.
I don't rip, I bomb.
Family Dollar in Beacon had a few rolls of their store brand yesterday afternoon.....although you might be better off with rocks than that.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
I mean, I was wondering what people should be entitled to because they breathe, but I wasn't sure he would understand me if I spelled it that way. |
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Whether your wife comes down or not, she, and all health care professionals are heroic. My sister in law is a nurse in Suffolk county. Her entire unit (neither ICU nor Emergency D) is completely full, all Covid patients. She is doing the best she can, but I really cannot imagine what she is going through. On the personal note, I cleared quarantine but am still acting as if I am in it, as they expect the metro apex sometime between 7 and 30 days. Our circle of life is limited to short daily walks with wife and kids. We say hello to neighbors from across the street and ask if anyone needs anything. I am going to my father’s burial (no funeral or wake allowed, which I ultimately agree with for public health reasons) tomorrow at noon, but we may not even drive our car until after things calm down when we get back. We have plenty of dry goods etc. The burial is limited to 7, as you get to 10 with priest and 2 bearers. Quick note on capitalism / socialism / we are all in this together. We have a funny system in the US. I don’t know if my family has ever been formally on welfare, but I remember at a young age seeing the sheriff physically foreclose on our house, and recall the odd tastes of powdered milk (I thought it tasted pretty good dry) and the funny looking food aid containers. I finished college in 3 years, got an advanced degree that had good prospects, and finished at or near the top of my classes at both. I am now 40, have more than I need but I still live well below my means. I am usually one of the smarter folks in the room (don’t know that I have ever been the smartest), but for most of my career I have been the hardest working. I worked both in high paying jobs and government public service jobs. I have throttled back a bit on ambition but still focus and work hard at my job, perhaps because I have a 9 year old and 6 year old and awesome wife. None of my academic or relative financial success would have been possible without federal student loans or state schools, as I went to SUNY BInghamton undergrad (I don’t care if they call it Binghamton University). I have never asked for handouts and I don’t get upset about paying taxes. When my dad and I would chat, if taxes ever came up, he pointed out I should be grateful to be paying. I don’t really disagree with that. Any who - capitalism, socialism, Upton Sinclair - it doesn’t matter right now. We will be in this together. This thing will spread widely upstate - maybe less so because of the social distancing - but we should all try to be there for each other. The other states that have been doing their own thing are behind NY a curve, just like NY was beg in d Italy’s. Be safe and try to be nice to each other and take care of each other. |
Dom : i am so very sorry about your father , it is apparent in your words that his wisdom and innate goodness flows thru you . You are his legacy and he obviously took solace in the fact that he raised a fine man who is self disciplined. Wise and compassionate .
You WILL be given strength to carry on . He is always with you and your dads spirit shines brightly within you Peace my friend Warp
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
In reply to this post by DomB
Thank you for posting Dom.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by warp daddy
I am so sorry about losing your father. It sucks on so many levels.
WP |
In reply to this post by scrundy
scrundy, I think you misinterpreted my message. I agree that anyone in NY can get a good high school education and no one will be denied healthcare if they go to an emergency room. I was referencing the conservative talking heads who are "Pro Life" when it comes to abortion but suggested that older people should be willing to take their chances by going back to work and that businesses should reopen with younger workers because they are less susceptible to the virus. Regardless that even some of them would get sick and die. They are the same people who are trying to outlaw abortion (I'm not saying I agree or disagree. I have much a more complicated view) But when it comes to the older people dying to keep the economy going they are all for it. And when it comes to the death penalty, they're all for that too. They use the Bible to justify their position. The way I read the commandment it says, "Thou shall not kill." Period. It doesn't say, "unless"... I don't think theologically you can be for one and against another. (Again; not saying I'm for or against either.)
When it comes to healthcare, most of the red states did not sign up for the ACA which would have provide more federal money and benefited their constituents. And while many states who decided to run their own programs are opening up their enrollments to allow people who lost their jobs, and hence their healthcare, to sign up, the federal government and hence, those red states did not. (Not yet anyway.) I've heard many people who are against the ACA say, "I don't want to pay for those bums on welfare". Well, whether they do or not, they are. Because when they don't have insurance it raises all of our healthcare costs. I just find that many of their positions are hypocritical. I am not for forgiving anyone's school loans or free college. Anyone in college should have some skin in the game. I've never been without a job since I was 11 years old and I worked my way through college. I went to Drexel because of their coop program where I would work half of the three years out of 5 years to help me pay for it. And while I know college is relatively more expensive these days, I see all of these college kids partying on spring break. Most of them doing it on borrowed money. And I don't feel sorry for them having huge student loans. |
Dom, Sorry for your loss. My father was a funeral director and I know that the services are to honor the deceased but are also for the living as they are part of the grieving process. Many people are scheduling memorial services for later in the year. In any case this is particular hard time to lose a loved one.
Really sorry to hear Dom. ☮️☯️
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
"People" (I'm guessing that would be me) keep saying this because we are trying to add some perspective to this whole situation. Critical analysis is what it is - analyzing facts and drawing conclusions. The bottom line is that CV is like having a 5 month flu season hit in 6 weeks. The bottom line is that if you are older and unhealthy then you are going to be in for some tough times. If you are younger and unhealthy then you may also be in for some tough times. On a positive note, if you are healthy (at any age) you are probably going to make it through this crisis. |
What is the occurrence of doctors and nurses contracting the flu and dying from it in an average “flu season”?
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In reply to this post by onscott
I’m not sure that perspective makes me feel all that much better, and I’m pretty sure it just proves MC’s concerns......unless you are saying that COVID-19 will be gone in 6 weeks? What makes you think that might opposed to us seeing the impacts of a ‘5 month flu season’ over 6 weeks, and then another ‘5 month flu season’ the 6 weeks after that, and then....? If this thing behaves like flu I guess it could peter out by May, the latest the flu season typically maybe we only get 2 ‘flu seasons’ in before that? Either outcome would be the result of the highly contagious nature of the disease and its exponential growth. It’s estimated that influenza killed more than 60,000 in the US in 2018. 2x to 3x that number supports some of the recent estimates that COVID-19 could kill 100,000 to 200,000 in the US before the season/crisis is “over”.....and that’s with the current actions. I hope that all doesn’t come to pass, but that’s the concern. Otherwise, I agree with your conclusions. I also agree that in time COVID-19 will be no more scary or impactful than the flu, which is nothing to take lightly, but isn’t something that should paralyze us. While we will add COVID to influenza in future ‘seasons’, COVID numbers will not be the same as they are now once we have vaccines and herd immunity, so that’s good. I ordered a variety of masks on Amazon. We’ll see if any of them arrive by Monday as scheduled.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by DomB
DomB thanks for sharing your wisdom and experiences. God bless your father and family. Peace.
If anyone has a wife or friend who is a nurse, who would be willing to give me a selfie with a mask in PM me.
I'm working on an article for the front page, and I need one image. Please only images that you have the rights to use, and my sending it to me you are granting those rights to me.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Dom, so sorry for your loss.
While I still feel our Gov gets an A+ for his leadership during the Covid 19 pandemic, he gets a big fat F for controlling gun sales during this time. As I understand it only cops can buy a gun right now. He's taking rights away from citizens. Total BS.
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Dom, sorry for your loss. May better days lie ahead for you.
I don't rip, I bomb.
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Is this an April’s fool joke? A+?!