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Re: Coronavirus

Harvey wrote
You have no idea what you are talking about.

This was a big deal to me, emotional. Especially laying off half our people. It felt good to get it out and share it, but I realize it was a mistake. I should have known better.
Don't beat yourself up bro.
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Re: Coronavirus

Yesterday I had the honor in taking part of welcoming home a WWII vet, retired fire chief, and great man. Next week we lay him to rest. He's the father of my buddy Auggie the Ski Doggie.

Amongst all the flags, police cars, fire trucks and firemen I was reminded we are currently in a war. There are people dying every single day. People protecting us from this are dying.

We all need to take this seriously. Wear your mask. Stay apart.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
campgottagopee wrote
We don't need or want people with that attitude.
+350 billion
I agree. And I think a lot of bosses are going to remember this when it comes time to bring people back. People who only look at the short term are hurting themselves in the long run. While every case is somewhat different (child care problems, etc.), by not going back to work they are hurting themselves much more in the long run.
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Re: Coronavirus

This post was updated on .
time for some levity
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Coronavirus

I've followed Vic for a while. Love that dude.
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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by trackbiker
trackbiker wrote
. And I think a lot of bosses are going to remember this when it comes time to bring people back. People who only look at the short term are hurting themselves in the long run. While every case is somewhat different (child care problems, etc.), by not going back to work they are hurting themselves much more in the long run.
I think you guys have to consider the possibility that these people aren't stupid & that they are making decisions by looking at what they believe to be in their best interest.

It's easy for us forum posters with good, high paying jobs to question these people, but if you aren't making a lot of money, and you're pretty confident in your ability to snag a job at a similar pay level when you run out of money (or unemployment benefits, or whatever), then I can see how people would make that decision. (Doesn't really apply to Harv's employees because his 100% healthcare benefit coverage seems worth it alone... otoh, people often underestimate the value of benefits when making salary decisions)
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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
 I was reminded we are currently in a war.
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Re: Coronavirus

Sick Bird Rider
Good morning NYSB! It's a beautiful early spring day up here at SBRHQ. I find that I am very productive working at home, though I'm a little bummed that my workload has increased considerably and all managers have taken a 20% pay cut. But at least I'm getting paid. I'm a bit envious of all those reading books, doing jigsaw puzzles and renovating their bathrooms.

Here's sobering and detailed trip report from an east coast skier some of you may even know. Except that is about her and her boyfriend's trip with COVID-19. Consider that these two are healthy, fit 40-somethings:

COVID-19 Report

Stay safe and stay healthy.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Its not all or nothing I’m sure.  Some who choose to stay on unemployment rather than going back during this crisis, if they have the option, are making calculated, intelligent decisions.  Others are just lazy-assed knuckleheads.  Of those who don’t get a return offer later some won’t need it, others don’t deserve it.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
MC2 5678F589 wrote
campgottagopee wrote
 I was reminded we are currently in a war.
You, nor any link you post, will change my mind.
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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
.  Of those who don’t get a return offer later some won’t need it, others don’t deserve it.
Sure. And they'll figure out something else to do.

I'm not sure that people like those on this forum understand how low the value of most jobs is. $15 an hour is $30,000 a year at full time.

You can get that working at Stewart's, at Target, etc. You can get $20 an hour jobs ($40,000/year full time) working in warehouses (hiring now), in doctor's offices, etc.

The thing about the hollowing out of the middle class (and wage destruction at the lower end), is that there will always be low-paying jobs available for people who want to work. Because of that, people who work lower wage jobs will always have options, meaning they won't necessarily have the loyalty that a lot of people on here seem to be demanding.

There are solutions to these issues, but somehow, I don't think they're part of your "Renaissance Revolution"
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Take out lottery winnings and add in stimulus monies.
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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
MC2 5678F589 wrote
campgottagopee wrote
 I was reminded we are currently in a war.
You, nor any link you post, will change my mind.
Haha, nice attitude
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
MC2 5678F589 wrote
I'm not sure that people like those on this forum understand how low the value of most jobs is. $15 an hour is $30,000 a year at full time.
I think it is you who doesn't understand. I started out my adult working life at minimum wage and worked up from there. I know exactly what it's like. Your father flies you to member guest tourneys. Most silver spoon punks don't get it.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by raisingarizona
raisingarizona wrote
Take out lottery winnings and add in stimulus monies.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
MC2 5678F589 wrote
campgottagopee wrote
MC2 5678F589 wrote
campgottagopee wrote
 I was reminded we are currently in a war.
You, nor any link you post, will change my mind.
Haha, nice attitude
Not sure why you're laughing. I was serious.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
MC2 5678F589 wrote
I'm not sure that people like those on this forum understand how low the value of most jobs is. $15 an hour is $30,000 a year at full time.
I think it is you who doesn't understand. I started out my adult working life at minimum wage and worked up from there. I know exactly what it's like. Your father flies you to member guest tourneys. Most silver spoon punks don't get it.
I know several people who started out at the bottom of the barrel and due to their hard work and willingness to "go the extra mile" instead of the just doing the absolute minimum, worked their way up to management positions in the businesses they work for. Granted, the business also has to show an appreciation for their work and attitude or they will, and should, move on to somewhere that does.
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Re: Coronavirus

trackbiker wrote
 Granted, the business also has to show an appreciation for their work and attitude or they will, and should, move on to somewhere that does.
Exactly. No matter what nobody will give it to you. It's on the individual to make it happen. There's also the luck factor, having some good luck never hurts. I've found that the hard workers typically are the luckiest as well.
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Re: Coronavirus

Median household income in the US is somewhere around 65k.  That means mom and dad, if there are two, are each making a little more than $15 an hour. If 2 kids, that has got to be extremely tough.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Silver spoons or helicopter drops.....the only ways to get ahead.  Who knew? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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