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Re: Coronavirus

Dude, please don't make up shit I never said, unless you can quote me.    JTG and Harv and wonderpony think these people should be grateful to have a job in the first place.

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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by wonderpony
wonderpony wrote
MC, have you ever worked as a staff member, underneath faculty?  I am guessing not.  In the Cornell food chain, I am the mold on the crumbs that the students feed off of. But... There are are some students that make it all worth while.  I still would rather work than sit on my ass.

My son has a degree in construction management from ESF. He is not too proud to return to doing turnovers, if that makes any sense to you.  He has just been assigned to NJ.  I think I am going to throw up.

Hustler your ass on over.  I am sure you will be happy there.  At least most of the contractors I know wear masks when they are doing actual construction.

Just out of random curiosity, What do yo you do to "hustle" your money?

I was an adjunct professor in the Adventure Sports program at SUNY-Adirondack for a while, thank you very much. I know how much I got paid (not a lot!), but I did it for the same reasons you do your job.

I drove 2 hours south to work on a construction site today. A bunch of people were wearing masks for sure.

Maybe know who you're talking to before you assume things about people.

(To answer your last question, right now my side hustle is "collecting dividends", but I work 2 other jobs in addition to my regular job during ski season)
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
. That's a lot of money. No one in our company makes 500 a week, even with a 20% pay cut. Not even close. FYI with current salary structure I have 2 employees who make more than me.
Harvey, Am I understanding this correctly? No one in your company makes as much as $500/week or no one makes as little as $500/week? $500/week is $12.50/hr.
I can't imagine it's not as much as because around here companies are paying $20/hr. plus for forklift drivers and they can't find them. Although they may be having better luck now.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by wonderpony
wonderpony wrote
My son has a degree in construction management from ESF.
Love to hear more about this, via PM or a different thread, of course.  We are considering ESF for our son (currently a HS junior).  If you or your son have any ESF insights you’d like to share let me know.  Thanks!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by wonderpony
wonderpony wrote
Dude, please don't make up shit I never said, unless you can quote me.    JTG and Harv and wonderpony think these people should be grateful to have a job in the first place.

I'm sorry, I should have quoted you directly instead of paraphrasing:
wonderpony wrote
.  I would rather work.  Every day that I am employed is a gift.  We are out there, hanging on every day.

Someone on this forum posted a while back that they would be taking a $10K pay cut.  Wahhh, sniff, boohoo, and all that.  Sucks to be you, whoever you are.  I don't remember, and don't care.

Meanwhile, I realized how very privileged I am.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
So, MC, you said. And "do tasks for an employer" is only one way to "work". For instance, your son could take unemployment and then also work every day (mow lawns for people, flip a house, play online poker, record some music, whatever).

I would have thought that taking unemployment and working on the side is illegal.  I thought that in order to get unemployment, you had to be actively searching for work.  IMO, working mowing lawns, or doing turnovers, or whatever, means that you are employed.   Or am I wrong?  

And, no, I don't know many people on this board.  But, I am pretty sure that I have ridden up the lift with at least one or two of y'all, given the complaining that happens on the GP quad.  Just saying...

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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
MC2 5678F589 wrote
I guess it's boss mentality vs. worker mentality. JTG and Harv and wonderpony think these people should be grateful to have a job in the first place. The workers might be questioning whether a business that drops the axe so quickly is such a great place to work and might be willing to try their luck in the labor market when their unemployment runs out.
Can only speak for myself.

This was not about being grateful. I specifically asked each if they wanted to come back and they said yes. If they didn't want to return I would be ok with it. We really only needed maybe 3 back to comfortable handling the work I *think* we have. I actually assumed their paychecks would be more then unemployment, so my bad on that. Still I thought I was doing something good at the time.

As far as dropping the axe quickly, I wonder if you'd be willing to take a 50/50 (?) chance at personally sustaining a 150k loss over the next three months. (That's what it is. If my company takes on debt it can't service, it comes out of me and my partner.) If you would you have bigger stones than me. I'm risk averse, close to retirement (I hope) and have two other humans at home counting on me. I have 7 other remaining employees who are counting on me too.

I'm not a corporate bogey man. I'm a guy who started that bottom of a company, worked hard and one day was asked if I was willing to put in $50k of my own money to own a small part of the company.  I really didn't want to, but I loved my job, (and honestly I loved walking to work) and I thought if I said no, the old owners would see me differently. I refinanced my house, bought in, and years later ended up here.

This thing caught me by surprise, and I probably overreacted, emotions are running high.  Apologies to TJ if I took it the wrong way.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by wonderpony
wonderpony wrote
I would have thought that taking unemployment and working on the side is illegal.
Not illegal, but you are supposed to report any income you make, and that lowers the benefit you receive.

But if your income isn't realized immediately, I'm not sure you report it (if you're flipping a house or making music you intend to sell later or something) Don't know about that one.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Oooh, me next!  Show me my quotes that you misinterpreted to be “people should be grateful to have a job”.  I’m pretty sure I never said that, at least in this discussion/context....although I’m sure you will find something from years ago you can twist to fit!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
MC, how many '"hustlers" do you know that report 100% of their income?  How many people do you pay in cash, or accept cash, in order to not have to report it?  

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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by JTG4eva! what you want, but my recommendation would be to not waste your time with this dude.  I’ve done a lot of that, I’m done.  Forget TTOC, MC is nothing but hypocritical double speak quicksand.  Used to be fun, but this guy is just a black hole of nothing.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
As far as dropping the axe quickly, I wonder if you'd be willing to take a 50/50 (?) chance at personally sustaining a 150k loss over the next three months. (That's what it is. If my company takes on debt it can't service, it comes out of me and my partner.) If you would you have bigger stones than me. I'm risk averse, close to retirement (I hope) and have two other humans at home counting on me. I have 7 other remaining employees who are counting on me too.
It's not an insult. I'm just saying (and, from the info above, it looks like I was correct) that you did what you thought was in your best interest. I'm saying that you shouldn't be surprised if your workers do what is in their best interest.

I'm not a corporate bogey man. I'm a guy who started that bottom of a company, worked hard and one day was asked if I was willing to put in $50k of my own money to own a small part of the company.  I really didn't want to, but I loved my job, (and honestly I loved walking to work) and I thought if I said no, the old owners would see me differently. I refinanced my house, bought in, and years later ended up here.
Again, you made a decision that was in (what you thought) was your best interest. One of the true freedoms we still have.

But you also have to remember your Love/Fear thread. Sounds like there was a little of both, but fear was part of your decision. My goal is to make it to a point where my employment decisions are driven by love (for the work, for the company, etc.). Not there yet, so the hustle continues.
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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by wonderpony
wonderpony wrote
MC, how many '"hustlers" do you know that report 100% of their income?  How many people do you pay in cash, or accept cash, in order to not have to report it?  

Not sure what you're getting at. You want me to tell you how many bars I go to that only accept cash? A pretty good amount! (well,not anymore)
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Re: Coronavirus

How many people in your world do you pay cash for, and then they don't have to report the income?  Painters, lawn workers, snow removal, farriers, hair dressers, hookers, etc?  

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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
I don't know what they do once I give them money for a service. It's none of my business.

Why? What are you saying?
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Re: Coronavirus

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Fair enough.

Fear and Love, I believe it.

MC2 5678F589 wrote
I'm saying that you shouldn't be surprised if your workers do what is in their best interest.
Not surprised at that at all, it's human nature.  I was surprised that I asked the question "would you come back?" got a yes, and then when I did it, got pushback.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Coronavirus

Harvey with the 420!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Coronavirus

JTG4eva! wrote
Harvey with the 420!
I'm so 420 right now that I'll have to reply tomorrow.

WP, don't bother with MC. Silver Spooner's aren't like you and I. It's not worth it.
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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
Oooh, me next!  Show me my quotes that you misinterpreted to be “people should be grateful to have a job”.  I’m pretty sure I never said that, at least in this discussion/context
I guess this was the one that rubbed me the wrong way:
JTG4eva! wrote
.  I still find it hard to respect anyone who’d rather sit at home and do nothing while drawing their usual pay, even a little more, off the public teet.  Not only does it seem to me to show poor judgement and values, but the unemployment teet does run dry at some point, and what then?
I'm just trying to get across the idea that they might be making calculated, strategic decisions about what's best for their families.

I don't think you can speak as broadly as you do and say you "find it hard to respect anyone" who takes unemployment, or to say that they have "poor judgement and values"

You don't know these people. What if they just need to save a couple extra thousand before making the move to Florida that they've always wanted to make, so they're spending this time getting their house ready to sell?
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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
WP, don't bother with MC. Silver Spooner's aren't like you and I. It's not worth it.
Another guy who thinks he knows me but doesn't know me at all.
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