Cirque was incredible but my favorite was Abanakee. The snow was incredible in there with very few rocks. I can't believe I didn't see Harv or Duck today, but I started up top. Double barrell early was sick and deep at the top. I may not leave Burnt Ridge tomorrow. Oh Tahawus Gladewas super soft. Lies sucked
Proud to call Gore My Home Mountain
Covid stole what would have been my longest season ever! I'll be back |
In reply to this post by Harvey
Ah, I’m just bustin’ your balls. Thanks!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by Harvey
We skied Burnt ridge once down echo yesterday but ride up was challenging with wind chill so did Gondola and North Side chair as they were out of wind. The really good Lifty at North side bottom had his hoody sleeves rolled up it was so nice and sunny and out of wind there. Not many skiers there when we first started but got much busier during the afternoon.
It would have been really nice to ski Burnt ridge but cold ride up kept us away and many others. Glad you had fun there today as it's loaded with snow and a really nice side of Gore. |
Gore it is tomorrow. I always say, when everything is in play there isn’t a more fun mountain than Gore, and everything is in play! Can’t pass that up, and I know Platty will be Platty many other days.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
Looks like Plake is going to be at Plattekill again so there is that.
Then again freeheeln will be at the NCSB. ![]()
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Place would be kinda cool I guess.....but 5 minutes and a photo op isn’t worth missing Gore in its glory!
We won’t be first chair, but we’ll try and find you guys. Assuming that chair spun yesterday?
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
It may be too late to divert but it was a lot more then five minutes. You’d get some runs in with him as well. I couldn’t believe how generous with his time he was.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
In reply to this post by Harvey
Great day at Gore yesterday. Hit all pods but agree that Sagamore was by far the highlight. Started up top for a couple hours, then pipeline to the bowl for a coffee. Couple runs at the bowl followed by lapping Sagamore - those two pods were so quiet and empty between 11-1. I had no intention of leaving but decided to do one on Echo and the bottom was roped for racers so I was forced back into the crowds. A bit of a shock to the system after the solitude of the bowl and BR.
Gore can always handle the crowds which is why I love it on weekends. |
The whole mountain was great today. Never quite seen anything like it. Snow was fast and carvy at the same time.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Very good day yesterday! For the most part it was blissfully quiet and soft. There were a couple less than ideal spots where it was firm to the point of icy (that yellow grayish man made “ice” where they had obviously been hammering snowmaking, top middle of Lies, Hawkeye). But for the most part it was the kind of day to stomp things like High Pines (one of my favorites, anywhere). Glades were prime, where we got (Ski Bowl, Cirque, Dark Side, High Pines, which isn’t really a glade). I’m sure for those who know their way around there were plenty of untracked lines to be found. I don’t, and I did.
Started the day at Ski Bowl. Hudson and Glades very good, 46er just a blast, with Deep cut up with hits galore and soft landings. Moved to Burnt Ridge. Sagamore a blast to rip. Cirque very fun. Off to High Peaks and Dark Side. Didn’t hit anything firm until Lies. Over to a ripable Topride and stompable High Pines, so much fun. Unfortunately Straightbrook was down for a bit from 2:30 to 3:00 which kind of put a wrench in our non-stop tour. By the time we were able to get up there ropes were up on Double Barrel and Rumor. Too many ropes up too early, but what you gonna do.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
Gore was really nice yesterday. There was so much soft snow everywhere. Both the groomers and the trees were very good. You'd pop out of something and then the trails were a blast too.
I skied with freeheeln and fixedheeln. Always good company. JT, not really sure what you wear (blue coat?). Also sounds like you were up top quite a bit, we were mostly on Burnt Ridge. ![]() Freeheeln in Barkeater
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Yeah, blue with black pants, usually. Thought maybe we’d see you at the Ski Bowl early, but I was showing my son Gore for his first time, so I made a point of getting a few runs in almost every pod. He’s also more of a high speed groomer than a trees guy. When he and I were in the Ski Bowl glades we were overtaken by a group of a dozen people or so, many with free heels and a few with beards, so I was looking to see if you guys were in that mix!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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We booted up in the hut around 8. Were on the first chair.
We never hit the ski bowl glades. Saturday I hustled right over to Burnt Ridge and the cord was so much fun. Tried to pull the same thing Sunday, but it Sagamore wasn't groomed. It was still primo, but it seemed odd to me that the only trail open tp the public on that pod wasn't groomed. I'd heard there was blowdown in there. What did you find?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In Ski Bowl glades there was a bit, more at the bottom, but it didn’t strike me as notable, although I’m not as familiar as you guys and we didn’t explore much.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
Pipe burst at our camp. No heat. Could not occupy, we missed the weekend. Tragic.
I pretty much know that if it gets below maybe -10 that our pipes will freeze. We drain them but the short section below the drain and above the frost line, even with heat tape seems to jam up. For some reason it doesn't burst. Yet. Knock wood.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Since you have drained your system there is some expansion room for the water. What will happen is the water on the pipe wall will freeze first and push the water in the middle out into the air which is compressible thus minimizing the amount of pressure on the wall of the pipe. Where you run into trouble is when there is nothing compressible for the water to expand into - like both ends of the pipe have frozen first or if you have a system with no bladder tank. The graph below shows that water expands below 4C with a big expansion at the phase transition to ice. ![]()
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
Thanks for the explanation. Does it help if I leave a valve open? I can leave the shower or sink open but not some of the drain valves. They would blast water on the floor when I recharge the system. Unless of course I would remember to close the valves. Not happening.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
It won't hurt to leave some of the inside valves open (not outside).
Since you are on a well you likely have a bladder tank as well which will allow for expansion.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
My camp won't drain completely which forces me to leave the heat on low (still one burst pipe in 15 years). But I do open the sink and tub faucets a little to that there is more room for expansion. It can't hurt.
I have also started insulating around the skirt of the cabin. This helps keep the temp under the house closer to freezing so the heat tape doesn't need to work so hard. Last year when is was well below zero for 5 - 6 straight nights, the well pipe did ice up but did not burst. Arriving on a Friday night to a broken pipe really sucks and I'm trying to avoid that happening again. tom |