For all of you guys in regards to frozen pipes, what sort of piping do you have in your camps? If you have cross-linked Polyethylene, (PEX) it can freeze and be fine. PEX-A that is. PEX-B and C, not so much, but still much more resilient than copper, or galv. Most plumbers don't use PEX-B anyway, unless you have a cheap cowboy plumber trying to save a buck. With PEX-A, It's ability to expand and retract is actually what makes the system work as you have to physically expand the pipe to put the fittings together. If you have a PEX-A plumbing system, it can freeze and thaw all day and go unaffected. Thawing the system out is a pain regardless.
Someday I'll have a camp with a frost-wall foundation, and all internal, and below frost line plumbing.
Harvey wrote
MikePom wrote
Pipe burst at our camp. No heat. Could not occupy, we missed the weekend. Tragic.
I pretty much know that if it gets below maybe -10 that our pipes will freeze. We drain them but the short section below the drain and above the frost line, even with heat tape seems to jam up. For some reason it doesn't burst. Yet. Knock wood.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day